Opposite Words List

 Opposite Words List 

Great x petty

Sweet x bitter

Palace x hut

Temple x Intense

Head x base

Master x servant

Value x insult
Valid x Invalid
Old x young
Deleted x opened
Friend x enemy
The eldest x the youngest
A little x more
Merciful x tyrant
Dense x sparse
Day x night
Long x-smile
Faith x unbelief
Respect x disrespect
Horizontal x vertical
Import x export
Blind x blind
Wet x dry
Identity x unknown
Here x there
Desirable x undesirable
Honesty x Dishonesty
Will x reluctance
Open x closed
Light x darkness
Melancholy x exhilarated
High x low
Descent x Ascent
Excellent x mean
Opening x Closing
Sad: x happy
Generous x conservative grace
Borrow x cash
Sorrow x happiness
Drought x Prosperity
Wicked x righteous
Patriots x traitors
Guilty x Innocent, Innocent
Hate x love
Rich x poor, destitute.
Strong x weak
Dharma x Adharma
Bold x cowardice
Gray x clear
Audacity x cowardice, cowardice
Profit x loss
New x Jun
Humility x Arrogance
Attention x Ignore
Darling x dislikes
Near  x long 
Length x width
Curved x straight
Usage x Abuse
Old x young
Thought x thoughtlessness
Student x Teacher
Development x disbelief
Delay x quickly
Special x General
Scholar x Ignorant
Poison x nectar
Opposition x support
To forget x to remember
Crazy x wise
Speed ​​x slowly
Neat x messy
Enemy x friend
City x Village
Omen x omen
Doubt x sure
End x beginning
Peak x base
Hunter x Savage
Discipline x Discipline
Education x Well done
Expectations x Expectations
Elder x grain
Extreme x anonymous
Deterioration x progress, advancement
Fiery x severe
Heavy x light
Start x end
Memories x Forgetfulness
Hope x despair
Now x after 
Inside x outside
Valid x Invalid
Old x young
Deleted x opened
Friend x enemy
Friendship x enmity
Big x small
Free x enclosed
Aware x careless
Awake x dormant
To go x to come
Living x dead
Winning x losing
Win x lose
Sleep x wake up
Hut x palace
Scarcity x abundance
Durable x brittle
Bold x pus
Graceful x fearless
Leader x followers
Clean x dusty
Ancient x modern
Nice x dull
Elevation x Decline
Husky x package
Resistance x cooperation
Movement x arrival
Prose x verse
Ignorant x wise
Plus x minus
Arrested x released
Difficult x easy
End x start
Immovable x movable
Accurate x incorrect
Very x little
Meaning   x meaningless
Favorable x unfavorable
Difficulty x convenience
Expected x unexpected
Favors x favors
Fierce x mild
Fair x improper
Plus x minus
Difficult x easy
Difference x start
Bedding x covering
Accurate x incorrect
Ignorant x wise
Arrested x released
Heavy rain x drought
Too    x little
Meaning x meaningless
Favorable x unfavorable
Pride x Pride
Impossible x possible
Darkness x light
Weak x strong
Disappointment x Expectation
Wholesale x retail
Ups and downs
Movable x immovable, static
Climb x base
Ascending x Descending
Tasty x unsavory
Agile x dull
Fickle x stable
Good x bad
Error x correct
Thief x police

Small x large
Small x large
Heavy x light
Victory x defeat
Nearest x long
To live x to die
Deposit x Expenses
Responsible x irresponsible
If x then
Fast x slow
Waking x sleeping
More x less
Aware x careless
Awake x dormant
To go x to come
Fear x Abhay
Terrible x Mild
Fearless x Fearless
Gorgeous x flashed
Indian x non-Indian
Lucky x unlucky
Quarrel x reconciliation
Beggar x moneylender
Hunger x thirst
Young x old
Thirst x hunger
Death x Life
Foolish x wise
Success x Failed
Success x failure
Will come x will go
Right x Invalid
Required x redundant
Sharp x blunt
Diagonal x straight
Cold x hot
Linear x rough
Empty x filled
Smallness x greatness
Early x late


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